3 Keys to Become a Six-Figure Speaker

Speaking is one of the best ways to attract new clients fast. Discover how you can become a magnetic speaker to enroll more of your perfect clients.

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Why would you want to become a speaker?

The simple answer is that speaking is the fastest way to get clients and fill your programs. As a speaker, you have the opportunity to share your value with a group of people in a short amount of time.

In fact, almost all of our Thrive Academy Members who earn six or seven figures dedicate some of their time to speaking to groups.

Do you want to know how they did it?

They’ve mastered the 3 keys to building a six-figure speaking business. And after reading this article, you’ll understand these keys, too.

Key #1 – Book Two Speaking Events per Month

Commit to speaking regularly so that you’re consistently getting yourself in front of groups of people.

There are four types of speaking events, which break down into two categories.

Category #1: Live and in-person speaking events.

    >> A speaking gig is when someone else fills the room.

    >> A workshop or live event is when you fill the room and host the event yourself.

Category #2: Online speaking events that you lead from your own home.

There are two types in this category:

    >>Interviews or online guest speaking events, where someone else brings the people

    >> Webinars, Videos or Live Video, where you bring the people together.

Which of these you focus on will depend on your situation.

Depending on where you live, it may not even be possible to speak at in-person events, so thank goodness you can still speak to groups online!

We recommend you aim for one interview/guest appearance and one of your own webinars per month, as a place to start. I (Sharla) host a Facebook Live training inside our Facebook Group Coaches and Holistic Practitioners who Change the World, every Thursday at 12noon Pacific.

You can do more than just two speaking events each month, because the more you speak, the more you’ll get clients, if you do it right.
Once live events become an option again, you may consider incorporating them into your routine.

How do you find people who can put you in front of their audiences?

You might be wondering how to find people who will interview you or host you where they bring the people. The short answer is: Make friends!

For example, there are a lot of Thrivers (Thrive Academy Members) who speak to groups regularly.

Make friends with them. Show up in service of them.

And then, ask them what groups they’re speaking to and if they would be willing to introduce you to the host of their speaking events.

The friendships you build today may become the pathway to speaking opportunities tomorrow.

Key #2 – Create Hot Content and Inspired Delivery

Connection matters more than anything else when you’re in front of a group. And it’s this connection that helps you to deliver your content in a way that inspires people to action.

There are 3 sections of any speaking gig that’s designed to get you clients:

An Inspiring Intro

When your Intro is designed well, you will:

>> Welcome your group

>> Acknowledge them

>> Get them excited about spending time with you. This is your chance to set the stage for them to become your client, as long as they’re a good match.

Your Hero’s Journey Story is a key component of your intro. In your story, you’ll share your own journey from struggling to having a breakthrough to where you are now. In your story, make sure to share both vulnerability and expertise to let your audience know why they should trust you.

When done well, people will see themselves in your story and will feel inspired and hopeful.

Highly Valuable Content

Inspiring content moves people closer to the result that they want in their lives. Your goal here is to make your content so good that people can’t believe they’re getting it for free. And if they get such amazing value for free, how much more will they get if they work closely with you?

An Irresistible Offer

This is where you invite the audience to say YES to your next step you want them to take. And this brings us to the third key of being a six-figure speaker…

Key #3 – Offer Continuing Education

Your goal when speaking is to bring as many potential clients into your world as you can. To do that, you will make an offer for continuing education at the end of your talk.

This is where you might feel most vulnerable on stage as you shift from sharing your content to inviting your audience to say Yes to the next step.

But when you follow a proven formula for writing a workshop that gets clients, it’s a seamless transition.

So many speakers make the mistake of teaching some content and then plopping an offer at the end of it…it’s no wonder they feel awkward.

It’s best to design your entire talk so it both provides great value AND moves them closer to working with you, when it’s a good match.

This way, your offer won’t seem out of place.

Now, we won’t deny that it takes courage to make an offer. But it’s much easier when you offer something that occurs as a gift instead of a sales pitch. Our top recommendation is to offer a Free (or low cost) Consultation.

It’s something that’s easy for people to say Yes to, especially when they’re meeting you for the first time. Your free offer will feel like you’re giving your audience a gift, which means you don’t have to feel weird about it.

Offering something for free makes most people feel less nervous about making an offer.

And once you’ve overcome your nervousness, you will see that people love your content. They’re rooting for you to succeed and they see the value in what you do!

This realization will help you to become comfortable with the idea of offering something paid later on.

Six Figures Through Speaking

Speaking is one of the most powerful client attractors that you can leverage in your coaching or holistic business.

It allows you to inspire groups of people as you demonstrate the amazing value that you offer. And as you become more comfortable as a speaker, you will find that it can have an amazing impact on your business. Many of our Thrive Academy Members are speaking to groups and earning $10,000+ each month.

Of course, this isn’t the only way to attract clients and there is more to the formula.

We would love to show you more, which is why we invite you to take part in our live, 3-Day Client Attraction Summit.

If you’re looking to attract more clients into your Coaching or Holistic Business and you’re not sure where to start or need an easier way to reach more people faster, we would love to support you.

Learn more about the Client Attraction Summit and Claim a Full Scholarship: https://ClientAttractionSummit.com

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