Our 2 Favorite Ways To Get A Client

In our last article – which you can read right here – we shared the 3 ways to find potential clients online.

Now it’s time to talk about how to go from a new connection to a new client.

Now, when we talk about how to get a new client, we’re talking about that moment when a potential client says Yes and is ready to pay to get started.

While it seems like there are SO many ways you could get a client, we can break it down into 5 ways to get a new client:

  1. Free or low-cost consultations
  2. Chat conversations via text or in the DM’s (yes, this is really a thing)
  3. Speaking events, like webinars, online workshops or interviews
  4. A Video on a webpage with a clickable button
  5. A Sales letter on a webpage with a clickable button

Trying to set up all of these things at once is a recipe to stay stuck and frustrated.

Instead, choose one way and commit to becoming masterful in that one way.

Our 2 favorite ways to have your potential clients saying YES,
are Consults and Speaking.

For most coaches and holistic practitioners, it’s best to focus first on mastering consults because the work you do is transformational in nature and is more intimate than selling a product.

If people are considering working with you one-on-one, they’re more than likely going to want to connect with you before they get started to make sure it’s a good match for them.

Many Thrivers who are consistently earning $10,000+ per month offer consults and sell a package or program during their consultations.

When you do this well, you’ll be able to provide a couple of valuable recommendations to your potential client while you simultaneously move people closer to saying Yes, if it’s a good match. 

Once you have more than 60% of your consults turn into paying clients, you can venture into 1-to-many offers.  For example, if you’re offering an online course that’s under $1,000 and you feel confident making an offer to a group, that’s when your business can really start thriving.  Many Thrivers are speaking to groups and getting clients for their high-end programs and courses. 

But if you aren’t yet skilled in making an offer to a group, you can use webinars, online workshops, videos, social posts, and even chat to bring more people into a 1-on-1 consultation. 

A big mistake lots of coaches and holistic practitioners make when it comes to 1-on-1 conversations is doing free or sample sessions, with the hope that the potential client will just magically see the value, and want to work with you further.

Instead, you want to use a proven template that walks your potential client through a series of questions to help you understand exactly what they’re struggling with and what they want instead.  Just like our famous…

Get Clients

Free Consultation Formula

Many Thrivers have used this formula to have 7 out of 10 of their consultations turn into paying clients!

You can download our free consultation formula right HERE.

It’s also possible to get lots of clients at once through speaking events.  We recommend this for people who have got proven results with clients and feel confident making an offer.

Speaking to groups is a high-leverage way to get clients.  And if you’re not confident making an offer to a group for people to become your client, you can offer a free or low-cost consultation.   

To summarize, if you’re still not seeing a consistent flow of potential clients who turn into paying clients, getting the Yes through a private, 1-on-1 consult is our best recommendation until you get to $10,000 per month. 

Which of the 5 ways to get a Yes are you going to focus on and commit to becoming masterful in?

We hope you’re considering using free or low cost consultations.

And if you would like support in finding, attracting, and enrolling more of your ideal clients and getting to $10,000+ per month, we would be honored to help you.

Our best recommendation is that you join us at our upcoming…

This event is normally $1,497

But right now, we have a limited number
of Full Scholarships available.

To learn more, just go to ClientAttractionSummit.com

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