The 3 Biggest Game Changers for Coaches and Holistic Practitioners who want to Grow Quickly (Part 3 of a 3-part series)

Now, it’s time to talk about the 3 biggest “Thrive Game Changers” that allow you to not have to work as hard when it comes to attracting clients.

In Parts 1 and 2 of this series, you discovered the remedies for the broken traditional private practice model and the 3 (and only 3) ways potential clients become paying clients.

Now, it’s time to talk about the 3 biggest “Thrive Game Changers” that allow you to not have to work as hard when it comes to attracting clients.

What is a “Thrive Game Changer?”

This is a change in how you package and offer your services that puts you into a completely different income category.

Each of the 3 “Thrive Game Changers” can help to increase your income. Yet when you do more than one at a time, you can have a quantum leap.

The 3 Thrive Game Changers are the only ways to increase your income.

You can:

  1. Work with more clients
  2. Charge more for your services
  3. Keep clients longer

Many Coaches and Holistic Practitioners get so focused on #1, that they forget about #2 and #3. While working with more clients is one way to grow your business, it’s the most difficult and time consuming of the three.


Think about how much energy goes into finding a new client vs. having someone you’ve been working with decide to continue. Can you see how much easier it is to keep the clients you have longer?

If you want to significantly increase your income and make your business more sustainable, you could simply raise your rates and do a good job of keeping the clients you have without getting any more clients than you have right now.

The strategies you discovered in Part 1 of this series showed you how any of the three business models that work for Coaches and Holistic Practitioners can have you earning more from each client and also have the client stay longer (and your clients get more value from working with you in one of these three business models).

The real magic, however, happens when you enlist more than one of these 3 Game Changers at the same time.

Let’s imagine a scenario where you have the business model of booking one session at a time with a new client. And let’s imagine you have five new clients this month who do an average of five sessions at $80/session. In this scenario, you’ll earn an average of $400 per client, so that’s $2,000 from these five clients.

Now let’s imagine a different scenario where instead of offering one session at a time, you now offer a 3-month Package that is designed to help your clients get the results they want. You work with more committed clients who are willing to invest in themselves. Your package includes 12 sessions for $2,000. If these same five clients invest in your package, you just earned $10,000 for these five clients. That’s a 5x difference–and the clients will get way better results because you’re working together more deeply.

Now let’s imagine that because their work with you is so profound and so transformational, three of these five clients keep going and sign up for an additional package after they complete the first package. Now you’re up to $16,000 for these same five clients. Now you’ve earned 8x what you would have earned with the traditional private practice model.

This example shows you how using 2 out of 3 Thrive Game Changers can make a big difference.

Now, let’s imagine that because you’ve gained so much confidence in your work (because you’re able to go so much deeper with the clients you have) that you attract twice as many clients as you were attracting and the same percentage signs up for a second package. Now you’re earning $32,000 from 10 clients.

Do you see how using one or more of these 3 Thrive Game Changers can make such a big difference and can grow your income fast?

You might be thinking, “This all sounds great, but where am I going to find clients who are willing to pay that much?”

It’s true that there are some things you must have in place in order to make these changes. We’ve got clients who were in your exact shoes, with the same thoughts about whether this was really possible. These same clients are now earning a great living and doing the work they love with clients they love.

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