Success Looks so Good on YouEarn a Great Living Doing What You Love
Our Members have earned hundreds of millions of dollars collectively
Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. —Lucille BallOUR STORIES

Before working with Jesse and Sharla, I was lost, scared, overwhelmed, confused and racing through my savings account like sand pouring out of my hand. After a profound spiritual awakening, I had left my stable job as a criminal defense lawyer to pursue my life’s purpose in coaching, healing and teaching.
No matter what I tried, even hiring another business mentor that charged DOUBLE what Thrive did, I couldn’t seem to grow my business.
As a result of the Thrive programs, I have now built a business that is not only wildly successful but also is a reflection of my true heart’s desires. My business supports my dream life… I travel all over the world and have time to support other causes important to me.

I was on the verge of quitting my coaching business and going back to a restaurant job. The day I agreed to go to the Client Attraction Summit, I was going into my first day of work after trying to build my practice to no avail for a full year.
At the Client Attraction Summit, I remember an exercise that asked us what we needed to do to reach six figures. Reaching six figures or making $10K+ per month was a dream but deep down I didn't believe was possible for me.
Now my business is truly thriving at a level beyond what I thought possible: I have a full practice, various group programs, 4 home study products, many top JV partners, my own live events and I even got on TV as an expert this past year.

Before working with Jesse and Sharla, I was frustrated, struggling, and burning out. I wasn't reaching the clients, nor doing the depth of work, I had always felt called to do.
In my first Thrive program, I had a powerful coaching experience with Jesse that helped me discover what was holding me back in making a stronger connection with my (potential) clients.
The breakthrough coupled with the templates and Heartselling strategies helped me grow my business easily and effortlessly. The first week after the Client Attraction Mastery Launch Event I earned $15,000. Within a month, I earned over $39,000!

Before working with Jesse and Sharla, I felt like a struggling artist with one client paying $50 a session. I was in Aruba, so I bought a plane ticket and flew to the Summit to get support.
During my work with Thrive, I felt a sense of community and support of my grandest vision for my life. They made me believe any career goal I have is possible. Speaker supported me to get on stage. Mastery got me talking about my work in a way that makes sense to people and helps them identify themselves as being potential clients.
I had a $32,000 sales month! The benefit of Thrive transcends the financial component. It's a community that'll hold your biggest, scariest, and most unrealistic goals in full support for you to go out into the world and achieve them!"

Before working with Jesse and Sharla, I just lost my ENTIRE savings and business property. I was making about $2,000 a month in my “on the side” shamanic healing practice, and that wasn’t enough to support myself and my kids.
I set aside my “no debt” policy to invest in my business, and put Jesse and Sharla’s programs on a credit card. I’d spent over $100K on college at Stanford, and $65K on law school, and at a time when I really “couldn’t afford it.” I knew O needed to pay these guys to teach me how to do business. It was one of my best decisions ever.
After Client Attraction Mastery, I doubled my practice. Now, I make over $10,000 a month! I love traveling in my RV, living in my beach cottage, and shopping stress-free.
Mellissa Seaman | Intuitive Executive Coach

Before working with Jesse and Sharla, I was struggling with filling my practice. Even though I had excellent and unique services to offer, potential patients were still hesitant.
I was frustrated and didn't know what to do. I had been trained well to do my work but I didn't have any business training. Using the tools from Thrive Academy programs, I learned how to have HeartSelling conversations that helped me connect more with my clientele.
As a result, my practice has tripled. Without the tools and strategies I gained from Thrive, I would not be where I am today. I wake up every day in service to my clients in capacities bigger than I could have imagined. Thank you Sharla and Jesse.
Dr. Abiola Oladoke | Neuroscience-based Health Practitioner

Working with Jesse and Sharla has been critical for my business. They taught me how to have Heartselling conversations where over 50% of the potential clients I talk with turn into high-end coaching clients.
And I can lead any teleseminar, speaking gig or live event with confidence because of the Thrive templates. At my recent live event, I made $55,000 and lives were changed.
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, DC | Nutritional Endocrinology Specialist

Before working with Thrive Academy, I was struggling to make ends meet as an Ayurvedic Practitioner.
The biggest breakthroughs I had were when Jesse and Sharla helped me realize my "perceived value" was too low and that selling equals serving.
After boosting my perceived value, using Heartselling and the Six-Figure Speaker Templates, I went from $100/ hr to $1,000/hr and recently had my first Six-Figure Month.
I now earn multiple six figures, year-after-year.
Nathalie Chapron | Image Consultant

I don’t live in the US, and was there for vacation when I found out about Thrive just a few days before the Client Attraction Summit. During my work with Thrive Academy, I had breakthroughs after breakthroughs, in life and in my business. I grew as a business woman, leader, lover, daughter, and friend.
As a result of Thrive programs, I had a clear strategy on how to achieve the goals I set, transforming lives. Thrive showed me what true community and collaboration meant.
I hit my first $40k quarter, created and ran my first Group Coaching Program which ABC, FOX, and NBC covered, ran this while traveling SF, LA, Oman, Dubai, Shanghai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Paris, Bali, and authored a book.

Of all the trainings I've ever took, this one probably has given me the biggest ROI, I've been in this industry for a long time and I still see Jesse as the number one trainer.
“If you're going to add live events to your business AND you want to sell from the stage, you MUST have speaker training—it's non-negotiable! I'm super picky about mentors, but when it came time to learn these skills, there was only ONE set of mentors I would consider: Jesse + Sharla.
After I completed their Six Figure Speaker program, I hosted my first event for 12 clients. My offer resulted in $36,000 of additional business! I built my business with webinars for many years and we're talking like millions of dollars in sales over the years. I believe that ANYONE who leads workshops or does group selling can benefit from this outstanding training. Thank you, Jesse and Sharla—you rock and I love you!”
Elizabeth Purvis | Success Mentor to Women

I was really shy when I arrived at Thrive and lacked confidence in my ability to do sales.
Becoming a speaker was a far-fetched idea. I had tried Toastmasters, but left feeling more nervous about speaking and never went back. But at the Client Attraction Summit, I saw myself standing on stage speaking.
Over the next year I gained the tools and confidence to speak authentically and know I will be compelling. I've now got a successful business and the confidence to continue this success.
Anubhav Jain | Executive Coach

Today was a life-changing moment. I got my dream here... The selling part of my talk was the funnest part! I got this rush to the back of the room. There were about 80-100 people in the room and 80-90% of the room ran to the back.
I am now the person on stage who can count on a rush to the back of the room. Can you imagine how powerful that is? It's a whole new level of confidence. And I know I can count on that. Since then, my biggest earning month has been over $74,000.

When I came to the Client Attraction Summit, I was brand new in my business. My expenses were outweighing my income every month. And I had just been in a car accident.
During Thrive programs, I owned my leadership with groups and used Heartselling and Consults. Thrive helped me embody what I needed to do and my message.
I had my first $10,000 month at the age of 24, while working less and in more flow. I’m speaking on stages, facilitating multiple programs and retreats and experiencing more magic in my life everyday.
Kendall Frey | Intuitive Transformation Mentor

Before working with Jesse and Sharla, I was operating a gift-based healing center. As much as I loved this model, I was guided to convert it to a cash-based Naturopathic healing practice. Within a week of saying “Yes!” to my intuition, I was gifted a ticket to Jesse and Sharla’s Client Attraction Summit.
As a result of Thrive Academy’s programs I went from making $20,000 a year running my non-profit to making $20,000 in one month and had the best time ever serving a group of people I absolutely love; I have changed my beliefs around money and abundance; I have more confidence to do the work I’m meant to be doing in the world.

When I first came to [Thrive], I didn’t know how to get clients. I wanted to become a speaker, but I felt so shy that I wouldn’t even raise my hand to share when I was in a small workshop.
In the Thrive Academy Programs, I was able to break through my fear. Shortly after, I accepted an invitation to speak in front of a large audience. Because I had their step-by-step system, my business went from $10,000 to $250,000 in that first year.
Just a few years later, I’m an internationally sought after speaker and well known thought leader in the world of holistic nutrition. I’m a published author and have been on TV. The best part is that I was able to set my business up to have the freedom to fully focus on being with my daughter for the first year of her life.
Rose Cole | Shamanic Facilitator

Before working with Jesse and Sharla, I was seeing a handful of clients, but not making a living and not seeing a way to bring in more clients or make more money. I was making less than $500 a month, it was stressful and disappointing.
I found the courage to charge more for my services, and switched up my niche. I now bring this confidence into my speaking engagements, and hosting big events of my own. I made my first $10K month, and now make 10 times my previous income.
I’m finally enjoying the benefits of the business I always wanted to create. I frequently have $2–3K days. All is going well and I have no doubt that there are more $10K+ months in my future—I have all the tools I need to make it happen. I am so utterly grateful to have found this community and these mentors in my life.

I loved my work and was fulfilled, but I was running around too much to keep it going. I also didn’t want to look at my rates because it made me feel depressed. When we did the “How much do you charge?” exercise at the Client Attraction Summit, I was the one with the lowest pricing in the room.
I’ve implemented the Heartselling Strategies and now I’m charging 4x what I was back then.
I recently launched a group program and filled it within 20 minutes! I’m earning a consistently great living and I just bought a 4BR house in Marin County!
Dot Spaet | Fitness Instructor

I was working a corporate job while trying to get my private practice off the ground. I was frustrated, struggling to make ends meet, and paying back enormous student loans.
I attended the Client Attraction Summit with an open mind. I'd never invested in business coaching before. I experienced a huge shift in my confidence, and had a new vision for my future.
I put all the Thrive templates and processes to work. Within a month, I made more than my corporate job, and within the next year, I paid myself triple my corporate salary. As a result of Thrive, I'm able to fully support myself financially, I'm seeing fewer clients, they’re getting better results, and I'm experiencing a more balanced and fulfilled life.
Dr. Jenny Mann | Naturopathic Doctor

I was a homeschooling mom who was trying to grow my photography business when I came to Thrive. But my real passion was around sex, sensuality and pleasure.
I went for my dream and since then, my life has been completely overhauled. I have successfully had $10,000 months and even a $15,000 day! I’ve become a leader in my field, have clients globally and even led a week-long sensuality retreat in my ancestral homeland of Sicily.

Before attending the Client Attraction Summit, I was only making $500 a month in my practice. The first month after the Summit, I made $2,500 and then $8000 a month within eight months! At month nine, I hit my first of many $10,000+ months. Now I have a six-figure business. The biggest breakthrough for me was the support of the community and mastering HeartSelling from Client Attraction Mastery. All of this has allowed me the freedom to travel and even made my relationship better because Heart-selling isn’t just for attracting clients.
Joining Thrive was one of the best decisions of my life! The community, people, and the leaders are so amazing and so heartfelt. I am forever grateful.
Sarah Sada | Hypnotherapist

Before working with Jesse and Sharla, I felt like I was always chasing after clients. I was stressed out and never really knew how to sell in a way that felt right to me.
I started looking forward to sales calls because I knew there was a good chance my potential clients were going to sign up and pay me handsomely for my services. My confidence as a speaker has grown. I lead workshops all around the world - from Austin to Amsterdam, Berlin to Budapest, and LA to London.
My business has more than tripled. My best month so far has been $43,000. My business is nearing the half million mark and I’m consistently making six figures per year. Thank you, Thrive!
Priya Lakhi
“Within two months of joining Thrive, I had my first $10,000+ month!”
Sean Stewart
“I had given up on my business…now I earn at least $10,000 a month!”
Lisa Cooney
“…Helped me grow my business easily and effortlessly.”

Before working with Jesse and Sharla, I was lost, scared, overwhelmed, confused and racing through my savings account like sand pouring out of my hand. After a profound spiritual awakening, I had left my stable job as a criminal defense lawyer to pursue my life’s purpose in coaching, healing and teaching.
No matter what I tried, even hiring another business mentor that charged DOUBLE what Thrive did, I couldn’t seem to grow my business.
As a result of the Thrive programs, I have now built a business that is not only wildly successful but also is a reflection of my true heart’s desires. My business supports my dream life… I travel all over the world and have time to support other causes important to me.

I was on the verge of quitting my coaching business and going back to a restaurant job. The day I agreed to go to the Client Attraction Summit, I was going into my first day of work after trying to build my practice to no avail for a full year.
At the Client Attraction Summit, I remember an exercise that asked us what we needed to do to reach six figures. Reaching six figures or making $10K+ per month was a dream but deep down I didn't believe was possible for me.
Now my business is truly thriving at a level beyond what I thought possible: I have a full practice, various group programs, 4 home study products, many top JV partners, my own live events and I even got on TV as an expert this past year.

Before working with Jesse and Sharla, I was frustrated, struggling, and burning out. I wasn't reaching the clients, nor doing the depth of work, I had always felt called to do.
In my first Thrive program, I had a powerful coaching experience with Jesse that helped me discover what was holding me back in making a stronger connection with my (potential) clients.
The breakthrough coupled with the templates and Heartselling strategies helped me grow my business easily and effortlessly. The first week after the Client Attraction Mastery Launch Event I earned $15,000. Within a month, I earned over $39,000!

Before working with Jesse and Sharla, I felt like a struggling artist with one client paying $50 a session. I was in Aruba, so I bought a plane ticket and flew to the Summit to get support.
During my work with Thrive, I felt a sense of community and support of my grandest vision for my life. They made me believe any career goal I have is possible. Speaker supported me to get on stage. Mastery got me talking about my work in a way that makes sense to people and helps them identify themselves as being potential clients.
I had a $32,000 sales month! The benefit of Thrive transcends the financial component. It's a community that'll hold your biggest, scariest, and most unrealistic goals in full support for you to go out into the world and achieve them!"

Before working with Jesse and Sharla, I just lost my ENTIRE savings and business property. I was making about $2,000 a month in my “on the side” shamanic healing practice, and that wasn’t enough to support myself and my kids.
I set aside my “no debt” policy to invest in my business, and put Jesse and Sharla’s programs on a credit card. I’d spent over $100K on college at Stanford, and $65K on law school, and at a time when I really “couldn’t afford it.” I knew O needed to pay these guys to teach me how to do business. It was one of my best decisions ever.
After Client Attraction Mastery, I doubled my practice. Now, I make over $10,000 a month! I love traveling in my RV, living in my beach cottage, and shopping stress-free.
Mellissa Seaman | Intuitive Executive Coach

Before working with Jesse and Sharla, I was struggling with filling my practice. Even though I had excellent and unique services to offer, potential patients were still hesitant.
I was frustrated and didn't know what to do. I had been trained well to do my work but I didn't have any business training. Using the tools from Thrive Academy programs, I learned how to have HeartSelling conversations that helped me connect more with my clientele.
As a result, my practice has tripled. Without the tools and strategies I gained from Thrive, I would not be where I am today. I wake up every day in service to my clients in capacities bigger than I could have imagined. Thank you Sharla and Jesse.
Dr. Abiola Oladoke | Neuroscience-based Health Practitioner

Working with Jesse and Sharla has been critical for my business. They taught me how to have Heartselling conversations where over 50% of the potential clients I talk with turn into high-end coaching clients.
And I can lead any teleseminar, speaking gig or live event with confidence because of the Thrive templates. At my recent live event, I made $55,000 and lives were changed.
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, DC | Nutritional Endocrinology Specialist
Kalyna Miletic
“I’m setting goals I never thought were realistic before, and I had a $32,000 sales month!”
Mellissa Seaman
“I went from losing my ENTIRE savings to earning $10,000 a month doing the spiritual work I love!”
Dr. Abiola Oladoke
“My practice tripled, I executed my 5 year business plan in 1½ years, and I launched other endeavors that are serving my life’s purpose.”
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo, DC
“My business is thriving…earning over $500,000 last year and growing!”
Nathalie Chapron
Within the first month of working with Thrive I took my $700 a month business to over $5000! Just 7 weeks after starting my journey…
Hani Cheng
“$40k in 3 months…in a completely new country…”
Elizabeth Purvis
“Easily 7 million in sales from what I learned…”

Before working with Thrive Academy, I was struggling to make ends meet as an Ayurvedic Practitioner.
The biggest breakthroughs I had were when Jesse and Sharla helped me realize my "perceived value" was too low and that selling equals serving.
After boosting my perceived value, using Heartselling and the Six-Figure Speaker Templates, I went from $100/ hr to $1,000/hr and recently had my first Six-Figure Month.
I now earn multiple six figures, year-after-year.
Nathalie Chapron | Image Consultant

I don’t live in the US, and was there for vacation when I found out about Thrive just a few days before the Client Attraction Summit. During my work with Thrive Academy, I had breakthroughs after breakthroughs, in life and in my business. I grew as a business woman, leader, lover, daughter, and friend.
As a result of Thrive programs, I had a clear strategy on how to achieve the goals I set, transforming lives. Thrive showed me what true community and collaboration meant.
I hit my first $40k quarter, created and ran my first Group Coaching Program which ABC, FOX, and NBC covered, ran this while traveling SF, LA, Oman, Dubai, Shanghai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Paris, Bali, and authored a book.

Of all the trainings I've ever took, this one probably has given me the biggest ROI, I've been in this industry for a long time and I still see Jesse as the number one trainer.
“If you're going to add live events to your business AND you want to sell from the stage, you MUST have speaker training—it's non-negotiable! I'm super picky about mentors, but when it came time to learn these skills, there was only ONE set of mentors I would consider: Jesse + Sharla.
After I completed their Six Figure Speaker program, I hosted my first event for 12 clients. My offer resulted in $36,000 of additional business! I built my business with webinars for many years and we're talking like millions of dollars in sales over the years. I believe that ANYONE who leads workshops or does group selling can benefit from this outstanding training. Thank you, Jesse and Sharla—you rock and I love you!”
Elizabeth Purvis | Success Mentor to Women

I was really shy when I arrived at Thrive and lacked confidence in my ability to do sales.
Becoming a speaker was a far-fetched idea. I had tried Toastmasters, but left feeling more nervous about speaking and never went back. But at the Client Attraction Summit, I saw myself standing on stage speaking.
Over the next year I gained the tools and confidence to speak authentically and know I will be compelling. I've now got a successful business and the confidence to continue this success.
Anubhav Jain | Executive Coach

Today was a life-changing moment. I got my dream here... The selling part of my talk was the funnest part! I got this rush to the back of the room. There were about 80-100 people in the room and 80-90% of the room ran to the back.
I am now the person on stage who can count on a rush to the back of the room. Can you imagine how powerful that is? It's a whole new level of confidence. And I know I can count on that. Since then, my biggest earning month has been over $74,000.

When I came to the Client Attraction Summit, I was brand new in my business. My expenses were outweighing my income every month. And I had just been in a car accident.
During Thrive programs, I owned my leadership with groups and used Heartselling and Consults. Thrive helped me embody what I needed to do and my message.
I had my first $10,000 month at the age of 24, while working less and in more flow. I’m speaking on stages, facilitating multiple programs and retreats and experiencing more magic in my life everyday.
Kendall Frey | Intuitive Transformation Mentor

Before working with Jesse and Sharla, I was operating a gift-based healing center. As much as I loved this model, I was guided to convert it to a cash-based Naturopathic healing practice. Within a week of saying “Yes!” to my intuition, I was gifted a ticket to Jesse and Sharla’s Client Attraction Summit.
As a result of Thrive Academy’s programs I went from making $20,000 a year running my non-profit to making $20,000 in one month and had the best time ever serving a group of people I absolutely love; I have changed my beliefs around money and abundance; I have more confidence to do the work I’m meant to be doing in the world.
Anubhav Jain
Morgana Rae
“I am now the person on stage who can count on a rush to the back of the room.”
Kendall Frey
“Thrive helped me embody what I needed to do and my message.”
Aumatma Shah
“I went from earning $20,000 a year to earning $20,000 a month!!”
Rose Cole
“My business went from $10,000 to $250,000 that first year!”
Molly Mandelberg
“I went from less than $500 a month to more than $10,000 a month!”
Dot Spaet
“My hourly rate is 4x what it was when I came to the Client Attraction Summit…”

When I first came to [Thrive], I didn’t know how to get clients. I wanted to become a speaker, but I felt so shy that I wouldn’t even raise my hand to share when I was in a small workshop.
In the Thrive Academy Programs, I was able to break through my fear. Shortly after, I accepted an invitation to speak in front of a large audience. Because I had their step-by-step system, my business went from $10,000 to $250,000 in that first year.
Just a few years later, I’m an internationally sought after speaker and well known thought leader in the world of holistic nutrition. I’m a published author and have been on TV. The best part is that I was able to set my business up to have the freedom to fully focus on being with my daughter for the first year of her life.
Rose Cole | Shamanic Facilitator

Before working with Jesse and Sharla, I was seeing a handful of clients, but not making a living and not seeing a way to bring in more clients or make more money. I was making less than $500 a month, it was stressful and disappointing.
I found the courage to charge more for my services, and switched up my niche. I now bring this confidence into my speaking engagements, and hosting big events of my own. I made my first $10K month, and now make 10 times my previous income.
I’m finally enjoying the benefits of the business I always wanted to create. I frequently have $2–3K days. All is going well and I have no doubt that there are more $10K+ months in my future—I have all the tools I need to make it happen. I am so utterly grateful to have found this community and these mentors in my life.

I loved my work and was fulfilled, but I was running around too much to keep it going. I also didn’t want to look at my rates because it made me feel depressed. When we did the “How much do you charge?” exercise at the Client Attraction Summit, I was the one with the lowest pricing in the room.
I’ve implemented the Heartselling Strategies and now I’m charging 4x what I was back then.
I recently launched a group program and filled it within 20 minutes! I’m earning a consistently great living and I just bought a 4BR house in Marin County!
Dot Spaet | Fitness Instructor

I was working a corporate job while trying to get my private practice off the ground. I was frustrated, struggling to make ends meet, and paying back enormous student loans.
I attended the Client Attraction Summit with an open mind. I'd never invested in business coaching before. I experienced a huge shift in my confidence, and had a new vision for my future.
I put all the Thrive templates and processes to work. Within a month, I made more than my corporate job, and within the next year, I paid myself triple my corporate salary. As a result of Thrive, I'm able to fully support myself financially, I'm seeing fewer clients, they’re getting better results, and I'm experiencing a more balanced and fulfilled life.
Dr. Jenny Mann | Naturopathic Doctor

I was a homeschooling mom who was trying to grow my photography business when I came to Thrive. But my real passion was around sex, sensuality and pleasure.
I went for my dream and since then, my life has been completely overhauled. I have successfully had $10,000 months and even a $15,000 day! I’ve become a leader in my field, have clients globally and even led a week-long sensuality retreat in my ancestral homeland of Sicily.

Before attending the Client Attraction Summit, I was only making $500 a month in my practice. The first month after the Summit, I made $2,500 and then $8000 a month within eight months! At month nine, I hit my first of many $10,000+ months. Now I have a six-figure business. The biggest breakthrough for me was the support of the community and mastering HeartSelling from Client Attraction Mastery. All of this has allowed me the freedom to travel and even made my relationship better because Heart-selling isn’t just for attracting clients.
Joining Thrive was one of the best decisions of my life! The community, people, and the leaders are so amazing and so heartfelt. I am forever grateful.
Sarah Sada | Hypnotherapist

Before working with Jesse and Sharla, I felt like I was always chasing after clients. I was stressed out and never really knew how to sell in a way that felt right to me.
I started looking forward to sales calls because I knew there was a good chance my potential clients were going to sign up and pay me handsomely for my services. My confidence as a speaker has grown. I lead workshops all around the world - from Austin to Amsterdam, Berlin to Budapest, and LA to London.
My business has more than tripled. My best month so far has been $43,000. My business is nearing the half million mark and I’m consistently making six figures per year. Thank you, Thrive!
Dr. Jenny Mann
“I’m able to fully support myself financially…and I’m experiencing a more balanced and fulfilled life.”
Lucia Parvone
“My business and life expanded beyond what I thought was possible…”
Sarah Sada
“I went from earning $500 a month to $10,000 a month within nine months of attending Client Attraction Summit!”
Robbie Kramer
“I lead workshops all around the world—from Austin to Amsterdam, Berlin to Budapest…”