Thrive academy tv

What if You Don’t Feel Qualified to Choose a Niche?

What if You Don’t Feel Qualified to Choose a Niche?

When we first started claiming our niche 15 years ago… there were times we felt like a total fraud.

We had all these stories about not being ready, not knowing enough, not having enough real life experience…

And you know what? So many Coaches & Holistic Practitioners have similar stories… and believe that they are true!

It’s more important during these uncertain times that we claim our value and get very specific about the value we provide.

Choosing a niche is more important right now then it’s ever been before!

Check out today’s episode of Thrive TV: What if You Don’t Feel Qualified to Choose a Niche?

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Claim Your Niche Today

Claim Your Niche Today

It happens to most coaches and holistic practitioners when they first learn they need a niche. They have many reasons why they don’t want to choose one or they understand how important it is to choose a niche, but have no idea where to start.

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