Thrive academy tv

Our “First Date” was a Workshop “Failure”

“Watch This Video if You’ve Ever Felt Stuck or Wanted to Give Up, because You’ve Got a Huge Heart and Gifts to Share, but
You Just Don’t Know How to Get it Out into the World…”

Recently I (Jesse) took Sharla on a surprise date.

“I’m not taking you to see Hamilton or Madonna or anything like that… but I still think you’ll have fun!”

Well she was less excited than I thought she’d be when I pulled up to the Comedy Club to watch two improv teams compete, until…

They asked for a couple to volunteer and put us in separate rooms as we told the story of our “first date” so each team could act it out.

Our “first date” was a workshop I was leading–and expecting 20 people–but Sharla was the ONLY one who showed up!

Watch the video below to find out what happened.

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