Thrive academy tv

How to Get Client Success Stories

Have You Ever Felt Awkward Asking Your Clients
for a Testimonial or Success Story?

A lot of Coaches and Holistic Practitioners feel nervous to ask because they think it’s pushy or can come across the wrong way.

But after featuring hundreds of client success stories on our website, in our emails and at our live events we feel confident in saying…

Our former clients who are successful LOVE it when we share their stories!

When you know the right approach revealed in this video, they’ll likely feel honored by your request.

Watch below to discover the most heart centered way to ask, and the 3 reasons you’ll want to add this to your strategy right away!

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Claim Your Niche Today

Claim Your Niche Today

It happens to most coaches and holistic practitioners when they first learn they need a niche. They have many reasons why they don’t want to choose one or they understand how important it is to choose a niche, but have no idea where to start.

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