Thrive academy tv

How to Stop Wrestling with the Paralyzing Belief “I’m Not Ready.”

What gets in the way of you feeling ready to attract your ideal clients?

Overwhelm… not enough confidence… not feeling good enough?

If this describes how you’re feeling, then you’ll love today’s episode of Thrive Academy TV.

We’re a few weeks into 2020 so it’s the perfect time to ask: “Did you set a vision to attract more clients and grow your business this year?” If not, a great first step is to decide how many clients you want to work with and how much you would like to earn this year.

What would fulfill you and help you make a significant impact? If you already created an inspiring vision for 2020, are you getting closer to it? February is often the month when high hopes come crashing down and settle into a deflated feeling if you haven’t moved forward.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. If you’re not taking new action to get clients, it might be because the “I’m not ready” belief is keeping you from moving forward.

Want a few good laughs and some inspiration to help you get ready? Watch this! And then let us know what you think in the comments below.

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